• Yard signs will be approximately 15" off the ground
• Designed for 4 mil corrugated plastic yard signs
12" x 33" Heavy Duty Step Plastic Yard Sign Stakes
• 9 gauge steel ZINC plated H frames
• Yard sign will be approximately 15" off the ground
• 7.5" prongs
• Designed for 4 mil corrugated plastic yard signs
18" x 27" Premier Step Plastic Yard Sign Stakes
• 18” W x 27” H with 9” Tall Prongs
• Welded base is made of 1/4” dia. zinc plated steel
• Yard sign will be approximately 15" off the ground
27" Black Premier Step Plastic Yard Sign Stakes
• 11” W x 33” H with 9” Tall Prongs
• Welded base is made of 1/4” dia. powder coated steel
• Yard Signs will be approximately 15" off the ground
Call for a quote on quantities over 100
Alabama, Montgomery (AL) Alaska, Juneau (AK) Arizona, Phoenix (AZ) Arkansas, Little Rock (AR) California Sacramento (CA) Colorado, Denver (CO) Connecticut, Hartford (CT) Delaware, Dover (DE) Florida, Tallahassee (FL) Georgia, Atlanta (GA) Hawaii, Honolulu (HI) Idaho, Boise (ID) Illinois, Springfield (IL) Indiana, Indianapolis (IN) Iowa, Des Moines (IA) Kansas, Topeka (KS) Kentucky, Frankfort (KY) Louisiana, Baton Rouge (LA) Maine, Augusta (ME) Maryland, Annapolis (MD) Massachusetts, Boston (MA) Michigan, Lansing (MI) Minnesota, St. Paul (MN) Mississippi, Jackson (MS) Missouri, Jefferson City (MO) Montana, Helena (MT) Nebraska, Lincoln (NE) Nevada, Carson City (NV) New Hampshire, Concord (NH) New Jersey, Trenton (NJ) New Mexico, Santa Fe (NM) New York, Albany (NY) North Carolina, Raleigh (NC) North Dakota, Bismark (ND) Ohio, Columbus (OH) Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (OK) Oregon, Salem (OR) Pennsylvania, Harrisburg (PA) Rhode Island, Providence (RI) South Carolina, Columbia (SC) South Dakota, Pierre (SD) Tennessee, Nashville (TN) Texas, Austin (TX) Utah, Salt Lake City (UT) Vermont, Montpelier (VT) Virginia, Richmond (VA) Washington, Olympia (WA) West Virginia, Charleston (WV) Wisconsin, Madison(WI) Wyoming, Cheyenne (WY)
We can service your area from our location in St Paul